Practical Exercise: Run a Basic Technical SEO Audit Using Free Tools

A technical SEO audit helps you identify and fix issues that might be affecting your website’s performance and visibility in search engines. This practical exercise will guide you through a simple, non-technical audit using free tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Gather Your Website Information

  • URL: Note the web address of the site or page you want to audit.

  • Site Builder/Host Information: Knowing the platform (e.g., WordPress, Wix) and hosting provider can be helpful for implementing fixes.

Step 2: Test Your Page Speed

  1. Visit Google PageSpeed Insights:

  2. Enter Your URL:

    • Type in the URL of the webpage you want to test and click “Analyze.”

  3. Review the Results:

    • Note your speed score for both mobile and desktop.

    • Scroll down to review the recommendations for improvement.

    • Key Metrics to Look At:

      • First Contentful Paint (FCP): How long it takes for the first piece of content to load.

      • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Time it takes for the largest element to load.

      • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability.

      • Speed Index: Average time for the page to become visually complete.

Step 3: Optimize Images

  1. Check for Image Optimization Suggestions:

    • PageSpeed Insights will often recommend optimizing images if they are too large or not compressed.

  2. Compress Images Using TinyPNG:

    • Go to TinyPNG.

    • Upload your images to compress them.

    • Download the compressed images and replace the existing images on your website with these smaller versions.

Step 4: Enable Browser Caching

  1. Look for Caching Recommendations:

    • PageSpeed Insights may suggest enabling browser caching.

  2. Set Up Caching (If Using WordPress):

    • Install a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache:

      • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.

      • Search for “W3 Total Cache.”

      • Install and activate the plugin.

      • Follow the setup wizard to enable browser caching.

Step 5: Minimize CSS and JavaScript

  1. Check for CSS and JavaScript Optimization Suggestions:

    • PageSpeed Insights will highlight if minimizing CSS and JavaScript can improve your page speed.

  2. Minify CSS and JavaScript (If Using WordPress):

    • Use a plugin like Autoptimize:

      • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.

      • Search for “Autoptimize.”

      • Install and activate the plugin.

      • Go to Settings > Autoptimize and enable options for optimizing CSS and JavaScript.

Step 6: Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  1. Check for CDN Recommendations:

    • PageSpeed Insights may suggest using a CDN to improve loading times.

  2. Set Up a Free CDN (Using Cloudflare):

    • Sign up for a free account at Cloudflare.

    • Add your website to Cloudflare and follow the setup instructions.

    • Cloudflare will provide you with new DNS settings to update with your domain registrar.

    • Once configured, Cloudflare will serve your website’s content from servers closer to your visitors.

Step 7: Simplify Your Page Design

  1. Review Page Design Suggestions:

    • PageSpeed Insights might recommend reducing elements on your page to improve load times.

  2. Streamline Your Content:

    • Remove unnecessary images, widgets, and plugins.

    • Simplify your layout for better performance.

Tools for Technical SEO Audit

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights:

    • Enter your URL to get an analysis of your page speed and actionable suggestions.

  2. TinyPNG:

    • Compress images to improve loading times without sacrificing quality.

  3. Cloudflare:

    • Use it to implement a global CDN to speed up content delivery.

  4. W3 Total Cache:

    • Plugin for WordPress to enable browser caching and optimize site performance.

  5. Autoptimize:

    • Plugin for WordPress to minify CSS and JavaScript files, improving load times.

Actionable Insight: Perform a simple technical SEO audit on your website using Google PageSpeed Insights. Compress images with TinyPNG and enable browser caching through a plugin like W3 Total Cache if you use WordPress. Implement a CDN using Cloudflare and simplify your page design to remove unnecessary elements. Regularly check your website’s performance and address any issues promptly to maintain a fast and efficient site. By following these steps, you can enhance user experience, improve search engine rankings, and attract more clients to your real estate business.

Last updated