Paid Tools for Keyword Research

Effective keyword research ensures that your content is aligned with what potential clients are searching for, thereby increasing your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here’s how to leverage some of the top paid tools for keyword research, including

  1. Accessing

    • Sign up for an account at and choose an appropriate subscription plan.

  2. Using

    • Enter a seed keyword related to your business, such as "real estate agent in [City]" or "homes for sale in [Neighborhood]."

    • will generate a comprehensive list of related keywords, providing metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition.

  3. Analyzing Keywords:

    • Focus on keywords that are relevant to your real estate niche and have a good balance of search volume and lower competition.

    • Use filters to refine results based on your needs, such as focusing on long-tail keywords or specific geographic regions.

  4. Creating Keyword Lists:

    • Export the keyword data and organize it into lists for different content strategies, such as blog posts, landing pages, and service descriptions.


  1. Accessing SEMrush:

    • Sign up for an account at SEMrush and choose a plan that suits your needs.

  2. Using SEMrush:

    • Enter your seed keywords into the Keyword Magic Tool to discover related keywords, their search volumes, trends, keyword difficulty, and competitive density.

    • Explore additional features like the Keyword Gap tool to compare your keywords with those of competitors.

  3. Analyzing Keywords:

    • Focus on keywords with moderate to high search volumes and lower competition.

    • Use the Keyword Difficulty metric to identify low-hanging fruit—keywords that are easier to rank for.

  4. Creating Keyword Lists:

    • Export the data and create segmented lists based on different categories, such as "buyer intent," "informational content," and "local searches."


  1. Accessing Ahrefs:

    • Sign up for an account at Ahrefs and select a plan that fits your business needs.

  2. Using Ahrefs:

    • Enter your seed keywords into the Keywords Explorer to get a list of related keywords along with metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, and estimated clicks.

    • Utilize the Content Gap tool to identify keywords your competitors rank for but you don’t.

  3. Analyzing Keywords:

    • Focus on keywords that have a combination of high search volume and lower difficulty scores.

    • Use the SERP overview to analyze the top-ranking pages for your targeted keywords and to understand user intent better.

  4. Creating Keyword Lists:

    • Download the data and categorize keywords in a way that aligns with your content strategy, such as creating lists for blog posts, service pages, or location-specific content.


  1. Accessing Moz:

    • Create an account at Moz and subscribe to a plan that best suits your needs.

  2. Using Moz:

    • Enter seed keywords into the Moz Keyword Explorer tool to uncover related keywords, search volumes, difficulty scores, and organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) estimates.

    • Use the Priority score to identify the best keywords to target, considering search volume, difficulty, and potential CTR.

  3. Analyzing Keywords:

    • Pay attention to the keyword difficulty and prioritize those with a lower score for easier ranking.

    • Use the SERP analysis feature to understand why top-performing pages rank and how you can create better content.

  4. Creating Keyword Lists:

    • Export the keyword data and organize it into actionable lists for your content marketing and SEO campaigns.

Steps for Conducting Keyword Research Using Paid Tools:

  1. Brainstorm Seed Keywords:

    • Start by brainstorming a list of basic keywords related to your real estate business. Think about the terms your clients might use when searching for a property or real estate services.

  2. Use Keyword Research Tools:

    • Utilize the features of each paid tool to expand your list of seed keywords and discover new keyword opportunities.

  3. Analyze Search Volume and Competition:

    • Evaluate the search volume and competition for each keyword using the metrics provided by the tools. Aim for a balance by targeting keywords with moderate search volume and low to medium competition.

  4. Assess Keyword Intent:

    • Understand the intent behind your keywords. Focus on keywords with clear buyer intent to attract more qualified leads.

  5. Group and Prioritize Keywords:

    • Organize your keywords into logical groups based on themes or topics. Prioritize these groups according to their relevance, search volume, and competitiveness.

  6. Create Content Around Your Keywords:

    • Use your prioritized list of keywords to guide your content creation strategy. Develop blog posts, landing pages, and other content types that specifically target these keywords.

Actionable Insight: Use in combination with one other paid tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs to compile a list of ten keywords related to your real estate market. Analyze their search volume and competition, and prioritize five keywords that you can start incorporating into your content strategy immediately.

Last updated