Free Tools for Keyword Research

Section 2.2.2: Free Tools for Keyword Research

Free tools can be invaluable for conducting keyword research, especially when you're starting out and may not have the resources to invest in premium tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to utilize some of the best free tools available for keyword research.

  1. Accessing the Tool:

    • Navigate to and sign up for a free account if required.

  2. Using

    • Enter a seed keyword related to your business, such as "real estate agent in [City]" or "homes for sale in [Neighborhood]."

    • The tool will generate a list of related keywords along with their search volumes and competition scores.

  3. Analyzing Keywords:

    • Focus on keywords that are relevant to your real estate niche and have a good balance of search volume and lower competition.

  4. Exporting Data:

    • Export the list of keywords for further analysis and use in your content strategy.

Google Keyword Planner

  1. Accessing the Tool:

    • Go to Google Ads and sign up for a free account if you don’t have one.

    • Once logged in, navigate to Tools & Settings > Planning > Keyword Planner.

  2. Using Google Keyword Planner:

    • Select “Discover new keywords” to explore new keyword ideas based on your seed keywords or website URL.

    • Enter a broad keyword related to your business.

  3. Analyzing the Results:

    • Review the keyword suggestions list, focusing on keywords with moderate search volume and low competition.

    • Pay attention to seasonal trends and how search volumes fluctuate over time.

  4. Exporting Data:

    • Download the list of keywords along with their search volumes and competition metrics for further analysis.

Google Autocomplete

  1. Using Google Autocomplete:

    • Start typing a broad keyword in Google’s search bar and observe the suggestions.

    • Each suggestion represents a commonly searched phrase related to your primary keyword.

  2. Extracting Keywords:

    • Make a list of these suggested keywords and note any long-tail keywords or specific phrases that potential clients might use.


  1. Accessing the Tool:

    • Go to AnswerThePublic and enter a broad keyword related to your real estate business.

  2. Understanding the Results:

    • The tool provides a visual representation of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and alphabetical listings related to your keyword.

    • Focus on the questions and phrases that reflect intent to buy or sell property.

  3. Exporting Data:

    • Download the visualization or the complete list of keywords for easy reference and analysis.

Google Trends

  1. Using Google Trends:

    • Visit Google Trends and enter a keyword to see its popularity over time.

    • Compare the popularity of different keywords to identify trends and seasonal fluctuations.

  2. Analyzing Data:

    • Use the "Related queries" section to discover additional keyword ideas that are currently trending.

    • Focus on keywords that show increasing trends to capitalize on growing search interest.


  1. Accessing the Tool:

    • Go to Ubersuggest and enter a seed keyword related to your business.

  2. Using Ubersuggest:

    • The tool will provide keyword ideas, search volume, SEO difficulty, and paid difficulty for each keyword.

    • Look for keywords with a good balance of search volume and SEO difficulty.

  3. Exporting Data:

    • Download the list of keywords and related metrics for your reference.

Actionable Insight: Choose at least two of these free tools, including, and dedicate some time to exploring potential keywords for your real estate business. Create a comprehensive list of about 20 keywords, focusing on those with moderate search volumes and lower competition. Utilize this list to guide your content creation and optimization efforts effectively.

Last updated