Practical Exercise: Create a Seed List of Keywords Using a Free Tool

In this exercise, you will create a comprehensive seed list of keywords relevant to your real estate business using a free keyword research tool.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Brainstorm Initial Keywords

  • Start by brainstorming a list of basic keywords related to your real estate business. Think about the terms your clients might use when searching for properties or real estate services.

    • Examples: "real estate agent in [City]," "homes for sale in [Neighborhood]," "luxury condos," "family homes," "investment properties."

Step 2: Choose a Free Keyword Research Tool

  • Select a free keyword research tool from the options below:

    • (Free Version): A robust tool that provides keyword suggestions with search volumes and competition scores.

    • Google Keyword Planner: Google’s tool for discovering new keywords and seeing search volume estimates.

    • AnswerThePublic: Generates questions and phrases people are searching for related to your seed keyword.

    • Ubersuggest: Offers keyword ideas, search volume, and SEO difficulty.

Step 3: Generate Keyword Ideas

  • Enter each brainstormed keyword into the selected tool to generate a list of related keywords.

    • Using

      1. Go to and log in to your free account.

      2. Enter a seed keyword (e.g., "homes for sale in [City]") into the search bar.

      3. Review the list of suggested keywords, noting search volumes and competition scores.

    • Using Google Keyword Planner:

      1. Log in to Google Ads and go to Tools & Settings > Planning > Keyword Planner.

      2. Select “Discover new keywords.”

      3. Enter a seed keyword and review the suggestions, focusing on search volumes and competition.

    • Using AnswerThePublic:

      1. Visit AnswerThePublic and enter a seed keyword.

      2. Review the visual representation of questions and phrases. Note down any relevant long-tail keywords.

    • Using Ubersuggest:

      1. Go to Ubersuggest and enter a seed keyword.

      2. Review the keyword ideas along with their search volume and SEO difficulty.

Step 4: Create Your Seed List

  • Compile a comprehensive list of keywords generated from the tool. Aim for a mix of geographic keywords, property types, and special features.

    • Example Seed List:

      1. "Homes for sale in [City]"

      2. "Real estate agent in [Neighborhood]"

      3. "Luxury condos in [City]"

      4. "Affordable homes in [City]"

      5. "Family homes in [Neighborhood]"

      6. "Investment properties in [City]"

      7. "New construction homes in [City]"

      8. "Homes with private pools in [Neighborhood]"

      9. "Pet-friendly apartments in [City]"

      10. "Energy-efficient homes in [City]"

Step 5: Prioritize Keywords

  • Rank your keywords based on relevance, search volume, and competition. Focus on those with moderate search volume and lower competition to prioritize in your content strategy.

    • Use criteria such as:

      • High Relevance: How closely the keyword matches your services.

      • Moderate Search Volume: Ensures there is enough interest.

      • Low Competition: Increases likelihood of ranking higher in search results.

Step 6: Document Your Findings

  • Create a document or spreadsheet to organize your keywords. Include columns for the keyword, search volume, competition score, and any additional notes.

    • Example Spreadsheet:

    | Keyword                             | Search Volume | Competition | Notes                                      |
    | Homes for sale in [City]            | 2,000         | Low         | High search volume, primary target keyword |
    | Real estate agent in [Neighborhood] | 1,200         | Medium      | Moderate competition, high relevance       |
    | Luxury condos in [City]             | 800           | Low         | Niche market, high-value properties        |
    | Affordable homes in [City]          | 1,500         | Medium      | Attracts budget-conscious buyers           |
    | Family homes in [Neighborhood]      | 900           | Low         | Target family-oriented buyers              |
    | Investment properties in [City]     | 600           | Low         | Appeals to real estate investors           |
    | New construction homes in [City]    | 700           | Medium      | Popular among buyers seeking modern homes  |
    | Homes with private pools in [Neighborhood] | 500     | Low         | Attracts luxury buyers                     |
    | Pet-friendly apartments in [City]   | 1,000         | Medium      | Appeals to pet owners                      |
    | Energy-efficient homes in [City]    | 650           | Low         | Appeals to environmentally conscious buyers|

Actionable Insight: Choose one or two keywords from your seed list and start drafting content tailored to these terms. For example, create a blog post titled "The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Home in [City]" or a landing page focusing on "Luxury Condos in [City]." Optimize the content with the selected keywords and monitor its performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

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