Tools to Test Mobile Usability

Tools to Help Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

  1. Google Mobile-Friendly Test:

    • A free tool that analyzes if your website is mobile-friendly and provides recommendations for improvement.

  2. Google PageSpeed Insights:

    • Evaluates your website’s loading speed on mobile devices and offers suggestions to enhance performance.

  3. GTmetrix:

    • Provides detailed insights into your page load times and offers recommendations to improve speed.

  4. BrowserStack:

    • Lets you test your website across a wide range of devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and performance.

  5. Responsive Design Checker:

    • Simulates different device sizes to help you check the responsiveness of your design.

  6. TinyPNG:

    • Optimizes images by reducing file sizes without compromising quality, enhancing load times.

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