Maintaining Your Website’s SEO

Beyond the foundational elements of SEO, this guide delves into advanced techniques and strategies to enhance your website's visibility and performance on Google Search. It addresses specific scenarios and challenges website owners and developers might encounter.

Understanding Google's Crawl and Index Process

A fundamental understanding of how Google discovers, analyzes, and ranks your website is crucial. Familiarize yourself with the crawl, index, and serving processes to effectively troubleshoot issues and predict your site's behavior on Google Search.

Key Concept: Think of Google's system as a vast library. It sends out "crawlers" (librarians) to find new books (webpages), "indexes" them (organizes them by topic and keywords), and then "serves" them up to users (searchers) who are looking for information on that topic.

Managing Duplicate Content

Duplicate content refers to content that appears on multiple URLs on your website or across different websites. This can confuse search engines and dilute your site's ranking potential.

Solution: Implement canonicalization using the rel="canonical" tag. This tag tells search engines which version of a page is the original and should be given priority.


Let's say you have two product pages with slightly different URLs, but they feature the same product:

  • (preferred version)


To indicate the preferred version, add the following tag to the <head> section of the non-canonical page (

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

Ensuring Resource Accessibility

Search engines need access to your website's resources (images, CSS, JavaScript files) to understand and render your pages correctly.

Best Practices:

  • Robots.txt: Use the robots.txt file to control which parts of your website search engine crawlers can access. Avoid blocking crucial resources.

    • Example: If you want to prevent crawlers from accessing your image directory, add the following line to your robots.txt: Disallow: /images/

  • URL Inspection Tool: Use the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console to verify if Google can access and render your pages as intended.

Optimizing Crawl Budget with Robots.txt and Sitemaps


  • Purpose: The robots.txt file instructs search engine crawlers on which pages or sections of your website to avoid crawling.

  • Use Cases:

    • Block access to pages under development or not meant for indexing.

    • Prevent crawling of duplicate content.

    • Conserve crawl budget by preventing crawlers from accessing less important resources (e.g., administrative directories).

  • Example:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /duplicates/


  • Purpose: Sitemaps are XML files that list the important pages on your website. They act as roadmaps for search engines, guiding them to your content.

  • Benefits:

    • Improve the discoverability of new and updated pages.

    • Provide valuable information about your content, such as the last update date and change frequency.

  • Types:

    • XML Sitemaps: For general web pages.

    • Image Sitemaps: For image-heavy websites.

    • Video Sitemaps: For websites with video content.

    • News Sitemaps: For news websites.

Example (XML Sitemap):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

Managing Internationalized and Multi-Lingual Websites


  • Search engines need to understand the language and geographical targeting of your content.

  • Duplicate content issues can arise from language variations.


  • Hreflang Tags: Use hreflang tags to indicate the language and geographical targeting of each page. This helps search engines deliver the right version of your content to users based on their language and location settings.

    • Example:

      <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="" />
      <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es-mx" href="" />
  • Multi-Regional and Multi-Lingual SEO: Implement a comprehensive strategy for managing websites with localized content for different languages and regions. This may involve using dedicated country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) (e.g., .uk, .fr) or subdirectories (e.g., /uk/, /fr/).

Website Migration Best Practices

Moving a Single URL:

  • 301 Redirects: When permanently moving a page to a new URL, implement a 301 redirect. This tells search engines and browsers that the page has moved permanently, transferring the page's ranking signals to the new URL.

  • Example:

    Redirect 301 /old-page.html /new-page.html

Migrating an Entire Website:

  1. Plan Carefully: Map out all URLs, redirects, and sitemap changes.

  2. Implement Redirects: Ensure all old URLs redirect to their corresponding new URLs using 301 redirects.

  3. Update Sitemaps: Create and submit updated sitemaps to Google Search Console.

  4. Monitor Crawl and Indexation: Use Search Console to track the migration's progress and address any issues.

Crawl and Indexing Best Practices

  • Crawlable Links: Ensure all important pages are linked internally and that links use descriptive anchor text.

  • Rel=nofollow: Use the rel="nofollow" attribute for links you don't want search engines to follow, such as:

    • Paid links

    • Links to untrusted content

    • Links within user-generated content

  • JavaScript SEO: Follow best practices for using JavaScript to ensure your content is crawlable and indexable. Use dynamic rendering if needed.

  • Multi-Page Articles: Use clear "next" and "previous" links to connect multi-page articles.

  • Infinite Scroll Pages: Provide a paginated version of infinite scroll pages for better crawlability.

  • Blocking URLs with Changing States: Use robots.txt to block URLs that change state dynamically (e.g., adding items to a shopping cart).

Helping Google Understand Your Content

  • Text-Based Content: While Google can process various file types, prioritize text-based content for core information.

  • Structured Data: Use structured data markup to provide explicit clues to search engines about the meaning of content on your pages.

    • Example (JSON-LD for a Product):

        "@context": "",
        "@type": "Product",
        "name": "Example Product",
        "image": "",
        "description": "A great product!",
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Example Brand"
  • Data Highlighter (Search Console): If you can't directly edit your site's code, use the Data Highlighter tool in Search Console to tag data elements on your pages.

Adhering to Google's Quality Guidelines

  • Search Essentials: Familiarize yourself with and strictly adhere to Google's Search Essentials (formerly Webmaster Guidelines) to avoid penalties.

  • Content-Specific Guidelines: Follow Google's recommendations for specific content types:

    • Videos

    • Podcasts

    • Images

    • Websites for children

  • News Websites: If you publish news, follow the guidelines for Google News inclusion.

Optimizing User Experience (UX)

  • HTTPS: Migrate your website to HTTPS for improved security and user trust.

  • Page Speed: Optimize your website for fast loading times to enhance user experience.

  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Controlling Search Appearance

  • Search Result Features: Explore Google's various search result features (e.g., review stars, sitelinks) and implement those relevant to your site.

  • Favicons: Provide a favicon to enhance your site's branding in search results.

  • Article Dates: Include clear article dates for time-sensitive content.

  • Title Tags & Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling and informative title tags and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates from search results.

Leveraging Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an invaluable free tool providing insights into your website's performance:

  • Monitoring your website's performance in Google Search.

  • Identifying and fixing technical issues.

  • Submitting sitemaps.

  • Understanding how Google views your site.

Search Console Reports: Regularly review various reports in Search Console to monitor your website's:

  • indexing status

  • identify crawl errors

  • analyze search queries

  • track your website's overall health.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this document, you can significantly enhance your website's visibility and performance on Google Search, driving more organic traffic and achieving your online objectives. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation and

Last updated