Creating and Submitting Robots.txt

How to Write and Submit a robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is a powerful tool that allows you to control how search engine crawlers access your website. This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to create, implement, and test your robots.txt file.

Understanding robots.txt

Before diving into the specifics, let's understand why robots.txt is important.

  • Crawling Efficiency: By specifying which areas of your website should be crawled, you help search engines prioritize important content and avoid wasting resources on less critical sections.

  • Protecting Sensitive Information: While not a foolproof security measure, robots.txt can help prevent search engines from indexing pages containing sensitive information, such as login forms or internal documents.

  • Managing Duplicate Content: You can use robots.txt to prevent search engines from indexing duplicate content on your site, ensuring that only the preferred versions appear in search results.

Creating Your robots.txt File

1. File Creation and Naming

  • Use a plain text editor like Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or any code editor to create the file. Avoid word processors like Microsoft Word, which can add unwanted formatting.

  • Save the file as robots.txt. This name is case-sensitive.

2. File Location

  • Place the robots.txt file in the root directory of your website. For example, if your website is, the file should be accessible at

3. File Structure and Syntax

The robots.txt file follows a simple structure based on "user-agent" and "directives":

  • User-agent: Specifies which crawler the following rules apply to.

    • Use * to target all crawlers.

    • Use specific names like Googlebot (Google), Bingbot (Bing), or DuckDuckBot (DuckDuckGo) to target individual crawlers.

  • Directives: Instructions for the user-agent.

    • Disallow: Prevents the user-agent from accessing specified paths.

    • Allow: Permits the user-agent to access specified paths, even if they fall under a broader Disallow rule.

    • Sitemap: Provides the location of your sitemap to help search engines discover and index your content.


# Block all crawlers from accessing the /admin/ directory
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/

# Allow Googlebot to access the /images/ directory
User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /images/

# Provide the location of the sitemap

Illustrative Examples

Let's explore some practical examples:

1. Blocking a Specific Directory:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private-files/

This rule prevents all crawlers from accessing any content within the /private-files/ directory and its subdirectories.

2. Allowing Access to a Subdirectory within a Disallowed Directory:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /products/
Allow: /products/accessories/

This configuration blocks access to the /products/ directory but allows crawlers to access the /products/accessories/ subdirectory.

3. Blocking Specific File Types:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.pdf$
Disallow: /*.doc$

This example uses wildcards to block access to all PDF and DOC files on the website.

4. Blocking a Specific Page:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /confidential.html

This rule blocks all crawlers from accessing the confidential.html page.

5. Allowing Access for a Specific Crawler:

User-agent: Bingbot

This rule allows Bingbot to crawl the entire website.

6. Combining Rules for Different Crawlers:

# Block all crawlers from the /admin/ directory
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/

# Allow Googlebot to access the /images/ directory
User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /images/

# Block Yahoo's crawler from the entire website
User-agent: Slurp
Disallow: /

This example demonstrates how to combine different rules for different crawlers.

Testing and Submitting Your robots.txt File

1. Testing Your robots.txt File:

  • Browser Access: Access your robots.txt file directly through your web browser by typing the full URL (e.g., You should see the content of your file.

  • Online Tools: Utilize online robots.txt testing tools provided by search engines like Google and Bing. These tools can help identify any errors or warnings in your file.

2. Submitting to Google:

  • Automatic Discovery: Google automatically discovers and uses your robots.txt file. However, it might take some time for Google to recrawl and update its cached version.

  • Submitting via Google Search Console: If you've made significant changes to your robots.txt file, you can expedite the process by submitting it directly through Google Search Console. This notifies Google to re-crawl and update its understanding of your website's crawling instructions.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep It Concise: Avoid unnecessary complexity in your robots.txt file. Focus on clear and specific rules for better readability and interpretation.

  • Regularly Review and Update: As your website evolves, make sure to review and update your robots.txt file to reflect any changes in your content structure or crawling preferences.

  • Use Comments: Add comments (using the # symbol) to your robots.txt file to explain the purpose of different rules. This enhances readability and helps others understand your decisions.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use the robots.txt file to manage how search engines crawl your website, ensuring optimal indexing of your content and a better user experience for your visitors.

Last updated