Reducing the crawl rate of Googlebot

Controlling Googlebot Crawl Rate: A Technical Guide

Google's sophisticated algorithms determine the optimal crawl rate for your website, aiming to index as much content as possible without overloading your server. However, there are situations where you might need to manage Googlebot's activity to alleviate strain on your infrastructure. This guide explains how to temporarily reduce Googlebot's crawl rate and discusses the implications of doing so.

Understanding Crawl Rate and Its Impact

Crawl rate refers to the frequency with which Googlebot visits and downloads pages from your website. A higher crawl rate generally means your content gets indexed and updated more quickly, which is usually desirable. However, excessive crawling can burden your server, especially during peak traffic periods or unexpected outages.

Short-Term Crawl Rate Reduction: HTTP Status Codes

For short-term situations, such as a sudden surge in traffic or temporary server maintenance (e.g., a few hours or 1-2 days), you can temporarily reduce Googlebot's crawl rate by returning specific HTTP status codes:

  • 500 (Internal Server Error): Signals that your server encountered an unexpected condition preventing it from fulfilling the request.

    • Example: Your website uses a database, and the database server experiences a temporary outage.

  • 503 (Service Unavailable): Informs Googlebot that your server is currently unavailable, typically due to temporary overloading or maintenance.

    • Example: You're deploying a major website update, and the server is temporarily offline during the process.

  • 429 (Too Many Requests): Indicates that the Googlebot is making requests too frequently and exceeding a defined rate limit.

    • Example: You have a rate limiting system in place to protect your server, and Googlebot's crawling activity triggers it.

Implementing Short-Term Reduction (Example using PHP):

Let's imagine you want to temporarily return a 503 Service Unavailable error:

  header('Retry-After: 3600'); // Tell Googlebot to retry after 1 hour
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Website Temporarily Unavailable</title>
  <h1>We're currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back later.</h1>

Impact of Short-Term Reduction:

While these methods effectively reduce the crawl rate temporarily, be aware of their impact:

  • Reduced Content Discovery: Googlebot might miss new content published during this period.

  • Delayed Updates: Changes to existing pages, like price updates or product availability, may not be reflected quickly in search results.

  • Prolonged Removal: Removed pages might remain in the index for an extended period.

Important Considerations:

  • Googlebot automatically resumes normal crawling once the errors subside.

  • Excessive or prolonged use of error codes can negatively affect your site's ranking.

  • This approach affects your entire hostname (e.g.,

Long-Term Crawl Rate Management: Not Recommended

Continuously serving error codes to Googlebot for extended periods (longer than 1-2 days) is strongly discouraged. This practice can lead to:

  • Index Removal: Google might interpret persistent errors as a sign of a dysfunctional website and remove your URLs from the index.

  • Reduced Visibility: Limited crawling results in outdated content and potentially lower rankings due to perceived inactivity.

Addressing Underlying Issues:

Instead of resorting to long-term crawl rate reduction, focus on optimizing your website's architecture and performance:

  • Improve Server Capacity: If Googlebot consistently overloads your server, consider upgrading your hosting plan or optimizing your website's resource consumption.

  • Efficient Website Structure: A well-structured website with clear navigation and internal linking aids crawling efficiency. Refer to Google's guidelines on optimizing crawling efficiency.

  • Robots.txt Optimization: While not a primary method for crawl rate control, you can use robots.txt to prevent Googlebot from accessing specific sections that don't require frequent indexing.

Requesting Crawl Rate Adjustments: Use with Caution

Google generally discourages manually requesting crawl rate changes. They have sophisticated systems in place to determine optimal crawling patterns. However, if you've exhausted other options and believe your website requires a specific crawl rate adjustment, you can submit a request through Google Search Console.

Remember, while controlling Googlebot's crawl rate might be necessary in certain situations, it should be done strategically and temporarily. Prioritize optimizing your website's performance and structure to ensure a healthy relationship with Googlebot and maximize your search visibility.

Last updated