Validating AMP Content

After crafting your lightning-fast AMP content, it's crucial to ensure Google Search recognizes and properly displays it. This comprehensive guide walks you through the validation process, complete with code examples and troubleshooting tips.

1. Utilize Essential Validation Tools

Google provides a suite of tools designed to meticulously analyze your AMP pages:

  • AMP Test Tool: This tool acts as your first line of defense. Input your AMP page URL and it will meticulously scan for any HTML syntax errors, missing tags, or issues with structured data implementation.

    Example: Let's say your AMP page URL is Simply paste this URL into the AMP Test Tool (

    The tool provides detailed feedback, including:

    • Pass/Fail Status: Clearly indicates whether your page meets AMP specifications.

    • Error/Warning Messages: Pinpoints specific issues within your code, along with line numbers for easy identification and resolution.

    • Structured Data Validation: Verifies if your structured data adheres to Google's guidelines.

  • Rich Results Test: For content types like articles, recipes, or job postings, use this tool to ensure Google can understand and properly display your structured data in search results. This ensures eligibility for rich results like carousels, knowledge panels, and more.

    Example: Imagine you have a recipe page with structured data. Inputting the URL into the Rich Results Test will reveal if Google can:

    • Identify the recipe name, ingredients, cooking time, etc.

    • Display relevant information directly within search results.

    • Highlight potential errors or warnings within your structured data markup.

  • AMP Status Report: Gain valuable insights into the overall performance of your AMP pages within Google Search Console. This report reveals:

    • Indexed AMP pages: Shows the number of successfully indexed AMP pages.

    • AMP errors: Provides a breakdown of common errors affecting your pages, allowing for efficient debugging and optimization.

2. Troubleshooting Common AMP Errors

Even with meticulous development, issues may arise. Here's a breakdown of common problems and solutions:

Problem: My AMP page isn't appearing in Google Search.

Potential Solutions:

  • Ensure Discoverability:

    • Canonical Link: Double-check that you've included the rel="amphtml" tag within the <head> section of your canonical (non-AMP) page, pointing to the corresponding AMP version:

      <link rel="amphtml" href="">
    • AMP Link on Non-AMP Pages: Similarly, ensure that other relevant pages, such as mobile versions, also link to the AMP version using the rel="amphtml" tag.

    • Canonical Tag on AMP Page: Conversely, your AMP page must include the rel="canonical" tag within its <head> section, pointing back to the original canonical page:

      <link rel="canonical" href=""> 
  • Adhere to Google Search Guidelines: Google provides detailed guidelines for AMP pages, covering aspects like content policies, structured data requirements, and more. Review these guidelines to ensure compliance:

  • Grant Googlebot Access:

    • Robots.txt: Configure your robots.txt file to allow Googlebot to crawl both your canonical page, AMP page, and any relevant structured data URLs. This ensures proper indexing and understanding of your content.

    • Remove Blocking Directives: Avoid using robots meta tags or X-Robots-Tag HTTP headers within your canonical and AMP pages. These directives can inadvertently block Googlebot from accessing your content.

  • Structured Data Compliance: Verify that your structured data strictly follows the guidelines for your specific page and feature type. For instance, a recipe page should use the appropriate recipe schema with all required properties. Detailed information can be found in Google's structured data documentation:

Problem: My AMP page is still not appearing after trying these steps.

Additional Considerations:

  • Indexing Time: Allow Google some time to crawl and index your new or updated AMP pages. This process can take a few days or even longer depending on various factors.

  • Country-Specific Features: Certain Google Search features, like AMP-specific carousels, might not be available in all regions. Ensure the feature you're expecting is supported in your target location.

  • Crawl and Index Issues: Utilize Google Search Console to check for potential crawling or indexing errors affecting your site. The "Coverage" report can reveal valuable information about pages that Googlebot encountered issues accessing.

Note: If you've made changes to your AMP page and need to immediately update the Google AMP Cache, use the "Update Google AMP Cache" feature in Google Search Console. This ensures users see the latest version of your content without delay.

By diligently following these validation and troubleshooting steps, you can ensure your AMP content is discoverable, accessible, and displayed flawlessly in Google Search, contributing to a fast and engaging user experience.

Last updated