Meta Tags

This document provides an in-depth explanation of meta tags, specifically focusing on those that Google supports for controlling how your web pages are indexed and displayed in search results. We'll delve into examples and even touch upon code snippets to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Understanding Meta Tags

Meta tags are snippets of HTML code embedded within the <head> section of your webpage. These tags provide crucial metadata about your page to search engines like Google and other web clients. Think of them as concise summaries that help these systems understand your page's content and purpose.

Here's a basic structure of a meta tag:

<meta name="keyword" content="value">
  • meta: This tag indicates that we are dealing with metadata.

  • name: This attribute specifies the type of meta information being provided (e.g., "description", "robots").

  • content: This attribute holds the actual value or information associated with the specified meta name.

Common Meta Tags Supported by Google

Let's explore some of the most important meta tags that Google uses to understand and rank your web pages:

1. Description (<meta name="description" ...>)

The "description" meta tag provides a brief summary of your page's content. Google often uses this description to generate the snippet that appears below your page's title in search results.


<meta name="description" content="Learn how to bake delicious chocolate chip cookies with our easy-to-follow recipe. Perfect for beginners and experienced bakers alike!">

In this example, the description succinctly tells Google (and users) that the page is about a chocolate chip cookie recipe.

2. Robots (<meta name="robots" ...>)

The "robots" meta tag gives you control over how search engine bots crawl and index your web pages. You can use various directives within the content attribute to manage their behavior.


  • Prevent all indexing and following links:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
  • Allow indexing but prevent following links:

<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow">
  • Target specific crawlers (Googlebot):

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex"> 

3. Other Important Considerations

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): If you use a CMS like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, you might not edit the HTML directly. These platforms often provide user-friendly settings pages or plugins to manage your meta tags.

  • HTML Validation: It is crucial to ensure that your <head> section containing the meta tags is valid HTML. Properly closed tags and correct syntax are essential for accurate interpretation.

  • Case Sensitivity (Mostly): With the exception of certain tags like "google-site-verification," meta tag names and attributes are generally case-insensitive.

  • Unsupported Meta Tags: While Google supports a wide range of meta tags, it will ignore those it doesn't recognize. It's perfectly fine to use other meta tags if they serve purposes beyond Google Search (e.g., social media sharing).

  • JavaScript and Meta Tags: While you can technically use JavaScript to modify meta tags, it's generally not recommended. Google's crawlers have gotten better at processing JavaScript, but relying heavily on it for crucial SEO elements can lead to inconsistencies. Always thoroughly test your implementation.

HTML Attributes for Indexing

Beyond meta tags, Google also uses specific HTML attributes to understand the structure and content of your pages:

  • src and href: These fundamental attributes within image tags (<img src="...">) and anchor tags (<a href="...">) tell Google where to find resources like images and the target URLs of links.

  • rel Attribute: This attribute is commonly used within anchor tags (<a>). It helps specify the relationship between the current page and the linked page. For example, rel="nofollow" suggests to search engines not to pass link authority to the linked page.

  • data-nosnippet: This attribute, when used within <div>, <span>, or <section> tags, allows you to control the text Google displays in search result snippets. Content within these tags will be excluded.


<p> This product is great!  <span data-nosnippet>Especially if you buy it on sale.</span> </p>

Google would avoid including "Especially if you buy it on sale" when generating a snippet for this page.

Testing Your Meta Tags

After implementing meta tags, it's crucial to verify that they are correctly set up. Google Search Console provides invaluable tools like the URL Inspection Tool that allows you to see how Google perceives your pages, including the meta tags it detects.

This detailed explanation, complete with illustrative examples and code snippets, should provide you with a solid foundation for understanding and effectively utilizing meta tags and HTML attributes to improve your website's visibility and SEO performance on Google Search.

Last updated